Free Water Fountains in and Around Berkley, Ca

The 1st US city to pass a tax on sweet drinks was Berkley, California in February 2014. By making soda more costly, it’s thought that people will make healthier choices for what their children drink, like water for instance. Attempts were made to find out the condition of neighborhood drinking water fountains in both high- and low-income neighborhoods. By creating a mobile GPS application, researchers were able to gather data on Berkley’s drinking water fountains. Demographic data on race and earnings was then assembled using the US Census database. Evaluations were made amongst the location and demographic data, exposing whether class differences affected access to clean, functional water fountains. They were in a position to confirm the demographics of segments surrounding established fountains, as well as the cleanliness and maintenance of fountains across assorted areas. While the greater part of the fountains were in working order, an alarming number next were found to be in a poor state of repairs.

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